Tuesday, September 9, 2008


After viewing this years VMA's i must say that im kind of dissapoint by all aspects of it. For starters i think the venue they picked was to small and limited some of the performances, For instance Iexpected more from lil Wayne's performance and not for him and T pain to run around the Floor playing tag. I also think they did lupe wrong by giving him that little as time to perform before they cut to a commerical, he deserved more time. Also, i dont know about everyone else but that Russell Brand character was the wrong chocie for a host. Not only did he keep talking about the U.S and bashing our lame ass President George W, but i dont think it was cool that he kept comming at the Jonas Brothers for being virgins. I would say they should bring someone back like Chris Rock or Jamie foxx at least they make the show interesting by cracking jokes and not that dry ass humor this guy brought. Only postive i could say of russell brand is that he was able to pull off those Supper Tight Skinnys and boots...On a good note we did get to see sexy ass Rhianna looking Thicker then ever when she performed her first song disturbia(check out the video and see for your self) and Christina Aguilera seems to looks even better everytime she reappeares in the spot light...Last but not least i would have to say that the Best performances of the night had to be T.I. and " What Ever You Like" and i dont think they could of choose a better closer other then Kanye West. Ontop of that we got to hear his new single "Love Lockdown" which i was anticapating to hear....

1 comment:

5TH_AVE said...